I would like to switch my goal, yet again. Instead of popping out one half-assed piece of writing a day, I'm going to try to write one quality bit a week. This does not include blog posts, but I am going to try to continue blogging more frequently.
I guess that concludes all I had to say on Quality vs. Quantity, I thought I had more, guess I was wrong.
Now on to Kelseys:
As I mentioned before, I will journeying to the magical land of cheese, I mean Milwaukee next month to celebrate the marriage of one of the important Kelseys in my life, Kelsey Lyn Aicher. When discussing plans for the weekend with her, I was informed that there is a circus museum just a few hours away where I can ride an elephant! Since we'll be there through Tuesday (Cards play Brewers that Monday), and have Sunday to kill, I believe that's what we'll do. Killing two birds with one stone again, whoo!
The second Kelsey is one of my very best friends Kelsey Greaves (here's her blog). It's her birthday today! She's turning the boring old age of the two poos (22, double deuce, get it?), but we're celebrating like she's turning.... Some eventful, exciting age. Anyway: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SMELS! I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE THE GREATEST!
The last Kelsey is none other than Kelsey Schutz (here's her blog). I don't really have anything specific to say to her, but I didn't want her to be left out since she is also an important Kelsey in my life. I was just reminded by her blog today that she'll be home in a month! That's pretty exciting. If you don't already, you should definitely read her blog. This girl lives an exciting life and is an excellent writer, always worth the read.
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